When the weather looks like rain or you’ve just had another snowstorm, you don't really feel like going outside for a bike ride.
When this happens it’s time to think about investing in a stationary indoor cycle to keep your ride momentum up.
Indoor cycling is becoming more popular due the to the lasting benefits and ease of use.
Body Bike Brand Ambassador Kara Holmes says:
“The key benefits from indoor cycling are first and foremost overall improvements in health, specifically in cardiovascular health and overall body composition. It can be performed at any fitness level and is an amazing workout for improving mental wellness.”
Here are our top reasons you should start a regular indoor cycling routine
1. Low impact workout
Compared to other workout types, cycling is notoriously easy on all of your joints.
Because of its controlled and fluid motions, the impact on joints remains soft.
Compared to other exercises that require a lot of repetitive jerking or pounding may cause, this results in minimal wear and tear to your body.
Cycling is especially useful for people who are recovering from an injury or have arthritis.
This is also a fantastic sport for the elderly population as it doesn’t put much strain on the knees and hips.
2. Great aerobic exercise
Although the activity is low impact, you can still have high intensity workouts.
You’ll get a full cardio workout every time you hop on your bike – strengthening your heart, lungs and muscles, all at once.
Depending on the intensity and duration of your cycle session, you can burn on average 400 calories per workout.
Along with this impressive calorie burn, indoor cycling also increases your endurance.
Your muscles will begin to strengthen so they don’t fatigue as quickly, and your maximum oxygen uptake (VO²) will improve.
This is how your body supplies muscles with oxygen during exercise – increased blood flow = better performance.
3. Tones multiple areas
While the majority of your focus will be on lower body muscles, people often forget that for them to remain stable and follow the high intensity workouts of most indoor cycling sessions, their entire body needs to be active.
- Core. Use your core to stabilize your body throughout the class, which helps to achieve overall balance, especially when you’re standing.
- Upper body. Use your upper body to support yourself on the bike. Some classes incorporate upper-body exercises using dumbbells or resistance bands.
- Back. Maintain a strong, stable spine throughout the class, which will help to strengthen and tone your back muscles.
- Glutes. Feel your glutes working with each pump, especially when you stand up from your seat, do an incline, or increase the resistance.
- Quadriceps. Your quadriceps will be the main muscles used as you pedal and climb hills, leading to strong, toned legs.
- Hamstrings. Cycling helps to strengthen and loosen your hamstrings, which lift the pedal up with each cycle and stabilize your joints.
- Lower legs. You’ll work your calves with each cycle, which helps to protect your ankles and feet while cycling and during everyday activities.
4. Improves mental health
With the release of endorphins every time you exercise, or do physical activity, your brain gets happy.
And you’re bound to feel happier as well.
There are numerous studies on the relationship between exercise and mental health - all showing similar results - exercising makes us feel better.
It’s recommended that the average adult engage in moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day.
“[R]egular physical activity can increase our self-esteem and can reduce stress and anxiety. It also plays a role in preventing the development of mental health problems.”
Something that is becoming more researched is BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor).
This is a key molecule in growing new brain cells.
This molecule is released during physical activity and might be able to help manage depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia.

5. Easy to use
The fact that an indoor cycle can be set up nearly anywhere (Body Bike takes up just 0.63m²) gives you few excuses for not using it.
And when you’re using it, it’s so simple to change the settings to perfectly suit your comfort levels.
You can also switch up the resistance for a more challenging or relaxing ride.
One more bonus about using an indoor cycle is the safety that comes with riding in place.
You don't have to worry about traffic or other pedestrians.
Plus, no bugs to deal with when it’s that time of year!
The sport of indoor cycling allows you to fully customize your workout and receive all the same benefits from a high intensity routine – without the strain on your body.
Get your bike set up in your home gym or wherever you find you’ll get the most use and get started!
PS - with Body Bike, you can customize the coverplate to match your decor, so you really can put it anywhere!