The console will help you exercise smarter and not harder due to the fact that you are able to enter your individual settings. Knowing your watt level, the console is aware of what your body is capable of performing. A skilled instructor or personal trainer will know how to provide you with the optimal workout according to the fitness goals that you want to achieve. For instance, exercising at 62-69% of your watt level allows you to work in your ‘sweet spot’, which means that you can keep exercising for a long period of time without getting tired. By implementing the different ways of exercising with watt, the clubs have the possibility to differentiate their exercise programmes and make a range of classes which is embracing people with common fitness goals.
Exercising alone at home often demands a high level of discipline and motivation. The console will work as a training partner for you. At all times, you can keep track of your performance and you can carry out your own fitness programs or download fitness programs from professional sites. Whether exercising at home or in the club, it can be beneficial to store the workout data for later review and evaluation. For a personal trainer, this is a great option to keep track of his/her clients and plan the next session. Data can be collected through an ANT+ device.