Find your FTP

Taking the VO2 max test on BODY BIKE® Connect or BODY BIKE SMART®+ requires that you have the time available for it. Depending on the physical condition of the test person, it can take anywhere from 10 minutes to more than an hour. In the event that you haven't had the chance to take it but still wants your performance data to be fairly accurate, it is possible to estimate an approximate FTP by relating personal info as sex, age, weight and perceived physical condition. View the FTP table here. Source and copyright: Intelligent Cycling


By following a few guidelines, you can keep your BODY BIKE indoor cycle like new for many years. Help each other take care of the cycles by having the users wipe off the cycles after every use and treating the cycles with respect.  If a board is placed at the exit of the cycling room, the users can note possible problems or concerns arisen during the exercise. In this way, the people who are servicing the cycles can get updated regularly on how the cycles are performing, and problems can be identified before they turn critical.

Download, print and pin-up the maintenance guide below in your fitness centre:
Download maintenance guide for your BODY BIKE indoor cycle - English.
Download maintenance guide for your BODY BIKE indoor cycle - German.

Easy steps to a safe cycling experience

It is important to have energetic instructors that are able to guide and motivate their class. The poster “Ten easy steps to a safe cycling experience” is made to support the instructor in this and also guide the users towards getting the best and safest work-out.

Download, print and pin-up the “Ten easy steps to a safe cycling experience”-guide below in your fitness centre:
Download “Ten easy steps to a safe cycling experience” for adults
Download “Ten easy steps to a safe cycling experience” for young people

Adjustment of the cycle

It is important that the cycle can be adjusted to fit the individual users. Therefore all BODY BIKE models for professional use can be adjusted both horizontally and vertically. It is individual how the user prefers the precise adjustment of the cycle. Therefore, the procedure on the poster “Cycle adjustment” should only be regarded as guidelines.

Download, print and pin-up the “Cycle adjustment”-guide below in your fitness centre:
Download “Cycle adjustment”

Intensity scale

The scales below can be useful when explaining the intensity level of your current workout. If you are training without any measuring devices like power meter or heart rate monitor, a great tool is the DGI zones which describe the different levels of exhaustion experienced during a workout. In the scales below, the DGI zones are combined with heart rate zones or watt training zones.

Download, print and pin-up the ‘intensity scales’ below in your fitness centre:
Download "Watt intensity scale"
Download "Heart rate intensity scale"

Connect heart rate transmitter and enter individual settings

The BODY BIKE Performance console and the BODY BIKE Connect console can be used without entering any data. Just get on the bike and start pedalling. However, in order to provide you with the optimal cycling experience it is possible to connect a heart rate transmitter and to enter individual settings. This will enable the console to provide you with training data related to your physical state.

Download, print and pin-up the ‘Connect heart rate transmitter and enter individual settings’ below in your fitness centre:
Download ‘Connect heart rate transmitter and enter individual settings for BODY BIKE Connect Indoor Cycle’
Download ‘Connect heart rate transmitter and enter individual settings for BODY BIKE Performance console’

Key overview for console

The guidance below will provide you with a quick overview of the keys on the console.

Download, print and pin-up the ‘Key overview’ below in your fitness centre:
Download: ‘Key overview for BODY BIKE Connect Indoor Cycle’
Download: ‘Key overview for BODY BIKE Performance console’

Record data from BODY BIKE Connect

BODY BIKE Connect transfers watt and cadence data from the control box inside the cycle to the console on the handlebar. The transfer is wireless and handled by a protocol called ANT+. If you have an ANT+ device, you can receive this data. At this moment there are several options to receive and process the data and more are arising every day. Some are targeting data storage and others are choosing to use the data to create games or the like. One of the options is ‘MapMyFitness’. Please note that BODY BIKE International A/S is not responsible for or able to provide support for any hardware or software used together with the BODY BIKE Connect indoor cycle.

Download, print and pin-up the ‘Record data from BODY BIKE Connect’ below in your fitness centre:
Download ‘Record data from BODY BIKE Connect’

Ranges for VO2 Max

On BODY BIKE Connect you are able to take a watt level test. This will result in your watt level and your relative VO2 max. To evaluate your result you can use the ranges for VO2 max which is divided into categories from ‘very poor’ to ‘superior’ depending on age and gender. If you have not taken a watt level test on BODY BIKE Connect, you can estimate your relative VO2 max in the table and enter this in the console together with your weight.

Download, print and pin-up the ‘Ranges for VO2 Max’ below in your fitness centre:
Download ‘Ranges for VO2 Max’

Training sections with watt

When constructing indoor cycling programs and sections with a focus on heart rate, you have to consider the reaction time of the heart rate between the different intensity levels. This is not necessary if you ride according to watt. The watt can be increased or decreased in a matter of a few pedal strokes making it possible to do shorter intervals and make ‘explosions’ of which you can see the immediate effect. Use the watt value when planning the programs by targeting them to focus either FTP (Functional threshold power) improvement, sprint, endurance or strength. All users can take a watt level test and from this determine relative VO2 max and calculate FTP. This will make it possible to obtain exactly the preferred training in a highly efficient way.

Download, print and pin-up the ‘Training sections with watt’ below in your fitness centre:
Download ‘Training sections with watt ’